Boudoir & Maternity Portraits

Boudoir Portraits

As a photographer, boudoir portraits present a wonderful challenge. Capturing the light, the lines, the beauty and grace. It's one of my favorite photo sessions to do.

It's also the session where I get the most questions in terms of preparing...
Here are some tips that you may find helpful in preparing for your portrait session.

I'm always amazed when women tell me, "I could never do something like that, I don't have the body". If you photographer is also an artist, your beauty will be evident in every shot. The key for the photographer is experience, lighting, and equipment, the key for you is in the preparation.

Why is preparing for your portrait session important?

You would be surprised how often I get a client who doesn’t want to show her hands because she didn't realize she should have done her nails, or one who thinks that with photo shop, she can skip shaving her legs. This is just not so.

Getting your hair done will also make a big difference between your photos looking amateur and like snap shots and them looking professional and elegant.

BOUDOIR is french word for bedroom, this means the most intimate portrait session you will have. Your body, its' beautiful lines and curves will be photographed from head to toe. This means, paying close attention to nails, shaving your legs, and most importantly HAIR!

You also must be mentally prepared. Not psyching yourself up for the shoot, rather relaxing.

The day before:
* Get yourself a day of beauty (get your hair done, a mani and pedi, and any other service that will make you feel feminine, beautiful, and sexy.

* Pack your costumes, lingerie and any props the day before. I’ll help you set up your outfits before your photography begins. Feel free to call me as many times as you need concerning this, as it also helps me prepare for your session knowing in which direction we are going in terms of style and helps us prioritize for the session.

Another big misconception when it comes to wardrobe is that you have to have costumes at all. I've done many boudoir portraits where the client shows up... hair and make up done, a beautiful, sexy pair of panties and bra, and that's all. This is okay too. Don't spend lots of money on costumes if that's not necessarily where you feel comfortable.

What to pack?
* Bring a dressing gown or shirt that you can slip on when you wish and in between shots.

* Four to six outfits is about right for a 3 hour session. No more than 2-3 for a 2 hour session. For our Marquis one hour experiences, I suggest no more than two or three costumes.

The Day of:
* Relax, throw on your most comfortable pair of jeans (preferably lose fitting so as to not mark your body) and a tshirt.
* Make sure your hair and makeup are done (professionally done is preferred)
* Head on to your shoot.

I provide you with water and snacks for your session and a glass of wine as an option, as well.

Hair & Make Up package may be arranged upon your request.

For additional information, call me personally at 504-352-4569 or email me at
I can also email you samples of my work that I do not post online.


Maternity Portraits

Maternity sessions are all about capturing your beauty during your pregnancy, and the miracle of the baby growing inside you. You want to be relaxed and comfortable during your session. So make this day about you. Be sure to schedule yourself a very light day. 

Manicures and pedicures, whether done professionally or at home, will not only help you get a little of that pampering, but they will also be important because proper grooming will be necessary for the portraits. Hands and feet do show up in some of the images.

A few hours prior to your session....
Please remove anything that may cause lines on your body such as socks, maternity pants, jewelry, undergarments, and belly supports. Wearing a loose-fitting nightgown or robe prior to the session is best. And because most pregnancy sessions do include some nudity, the robe will come in handy.

Only those being photographed should be present. If you would like your children to be included in some of the photos, childcare is a must for the remainder of the session.

To do:
Professionally done Hair, Nails, and Makeup are all recommended. However, if you will be doing your own hair and makeup, pretend you will be attending a gala, your wedding, or similar event when preparing for your session. Hair and Makeup are a very important part of making this photo session and each image beautiful and memorable. 

  • 1
If some of your portraits will include the baby’s siblings, make arrangements for someone to pick up the children after their portraits with you are taken. That way, you will have the remainder of your session uninterrupted to do individual or couple portraits. Perhaps Grandma or an aunt can come with you to the portrait session, stay while the children are being photographed with you, then whisk them away for a playdate so you can finish shooting more intimate maternity portraits in privacy and without disturbance.
  • 2
Collect examples of maternity portraits you like to show your photographer. You can find lots of great examples on the Internet, in books or baby and maternity magazines, or by looking at friends’ portraits. It’s much easier to show your photographer what you like than to try to explain it in words.
  • 3
On the day of your maternity-portrait session, plan to relax and take it easy—both before and after the session. Plan to go to the spa, get your hair and makeup done, have a manicure and pedicure, take a long, hot bath, or just take a nap before your appointment. You want to be well-rested, relaxed and comfortable for your shoot.
  • 4
A couple of hours before your maternity photo session, eliminate any clothing that causes lines or indentations on the body—that would include anything elastic or stretchy, such as maternity pants with a panel, elastic waist pants, socks, snug underwear, bras and so on. If possible, wear a loose nightgown, dress or robe to keep your body as smooth as possible, and either go barefoot or wear easy, slip-on shoes or slippers. This is especially important if your maternity portraits will include any nudity or partial nudity. Most maternity portraits do show a bare belly, so you definitely do not want any marks from restrictive clothing on the tummy area.At the very least, lower the waistband on your maternity pants or underwear so there are no lines on your tummy and everything is tucked below your belly. Wear a loose-fitting top to the actual session. Lines on your skin that appear on portraits can often be touched up by the photographer; however, this may incur an additional expense you can avoid simply by planning ahead.
  • 5
Bring along any particular clothing you want to be photographed in–and bring additional clothing, as well. You can include favorite maternity clothes and stretchy, snug-fitting pants and tops. Fabrics that adhere to the body’s curves work well. If you have jeans you can still get your hips and thighs into (unzipped, of course), and pre-pregnancy favorites such as camisoles, bring those along, too. Even a negligee, high heels or a favorite hat may work themselves into a portrait or two. Scarves, shawls and lengths of soft, fluid fabrics make wonderful wraps for maternity portraits, so if you have those, bring them along. If not, don’t worry. Most maternity portrait photographers have a good selection of special items they use just for this purpose.
  • 6
Bring any props you’d like to include in your portraits—baby booties, a rubber ducky or a stuffed animal you received from the baby shower or already purchased for your baby make adorable props. So does a tiny outfit, shoes, a simple rose or other flower, or a copy of an ultrasound picture.
  • 7
When you get to your session, meet with the photographer and show her any maternity portraits you’ve seen and absolutely love. Discuss whether you are comfortable with any nudity or partial nudity and the overall effect you desire from your portraits. Do you want them to be soft and intimate? Low-key? Contemporary? Or classic? Will you include any family members in your portraits, such as the baby’s father or siblings–or perhaps your mother or sister? Will you want any special effects or treatments for your photos—such as black-and-white prints, sepia tones or selective coloring?
  • 8
Discuss the purpose of your portrait with your photographer. Do you want a maternity portrait for your child’s baby book, or simply a personal memento for yourself or your husband? Are you after a wall portrait to be displayed in your home (whether it’s the living room for public viewing or the bedroom for private viewing)? Are you seeking wallet-size photos to give to friends and family members or include in your Christmas cards? Or do you want different portraits for all these various purposes? The answers to these questions will help the photographer create portraits you will love and that will best satisfy your needs and desires.
  • 9
Speak with the photographer about any birthmarks, stretch marks or tattoos you may have. Do you want those left on final prints or removed? Do you want to be posed so they don’t show, if possible, or do you want them to be a tasteful part of your image?
  • 10
If you have any physical concerns—related to either the baby or something about your body you’re particularly sensitive about–be sure to discuss those issues with the photographer, as well. He will want you to be open and honest with him, and as comfortable and relaxed as possible.
  • 11
Consider if you want to purchase any special products featuring your maternity portraits. If you already know you would like greeting cards, photo jewelry, a collage, a portrait on canvas or a diaper bag, coasters, a mouse pad or some other item, talk with the photographer about those desires.
  • 12
Once the photo shoot begins, relax. Enjoy the warmth of the lights on your skin. Embrace the intimacy of the moment and try to forget you are being photographed at all. Revel in that beautiful, maternal glow and enjoy the anticipation of becoming a mother. Your photographer will take care of the rest!


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